Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique is a form of acupressure that taps on specific energy points within the body, helping to release a multitude of physical and emotional blockages.  Tapping is a combination of modern psychology and the principles of 5,000-year-old acupuncture, without the needles!

The benefits of EFT are often immediate and long-lasting when practiced on a regular basis.  EFT is a powerful self-care tool that can be taught to clients during a scheduled session to promote ongoing wellness at home.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can help reduce:

  • Fear
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep issues
  • Pain
  • Self-limiting beliefs
  • Repetitive negative thoughts (I can’t, I’m not good enough, etc.)
  • Energy blockages

EFT is a powerful, non-invasive, self-care tool that can be taught to clients during a scheduled session, to promote ongoing wellness at home.  EFT is an empowering skill to learn and for many, a positive and life-changing practice.

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