Need Relief from Long COVID? Try Biomagnetic Therapy

November 27, 2024

Do you or someone you know need relief from the lingering symptoms of Long COVID? The recovery from Long COVID can feel complicated and overwhelming, with symptoms affecting multiple systems in the body and often defying traditional approaches. Fortunately, our clients are seeing results with Biomagnetic Therapy, a holistic, science-backed approach that targets the root causes of symptoms – often hidden infections and chronic inflammation – unique to each person.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), as many as 23 million Americans are grappling to recover from Long COVID, many even unaware their symptoms were brought on by a COVID-19 infection. A new study from researchers at Mass General Brigham cite it could be as many as almost one in four Americans suffering from Long COVID. More than 200 symptoms are linked to Long COVID, some staying the same over time, some getting worse, and others going and coming back.

Some common symptoms of Long COVID include persistent fatigue and brain fog, anxiety, digestive issues, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, cough, headache, hair loss, skin rashes, joint pain, changes in taste or smell, and sleep problems. When there are other illnesses involved like lung disease, autoimmune disease, chronic kidney disease, or Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), everything is made worse when COVID is added to the mix. Often, people struggling with Lyme disease think symptoms are related when it can actually be Long COVID or the combination of both.

In his Long COVID Recovery Guide, Dr. Mark Hyman emphasizes that Long COVID can affect multiple systems in the body. He highlights chronic inflammation, hidden infections, and ongoing immune challenges as major obstacles for those seeking relief. So, recovery can be challenging, often leaving medical doctors stumped and limited to prescribing medications in their search to manage persistent and complex symptoms. A holistic approach is often necessary. 

In our work as biomagnetic therapists, we’ve had the privilege of helping clients suffering from Long COVID restore balance in their bodies using Biomagnetic Therapy. Specifically, our advanced training in the Biomagnetic Post-COVID Protocol, exploring the impact of COVID, variants and vaccines on our systems over two years, has equipped us with specialized tools and techniques to address persistent symptoms, helping clients find relief and recovery. 

Why the positive results?

The Science Behind Biomagnetic Therapy and Long COVID

As COVID continues to mutate, many who suffer from Long COVID experience a “snowball effect” of various infections and inflammation throughout the body. Research suggests that lingering infections may be hiding in areas like the brain, respiratory system, and digestive tract, compounding symptoms. The Mayo Clinic website states that, “Having COVID-19 awakens viruses that haven't been cleared out of the body.” Throughout our life, we accumulate viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens, including heavy metals, toxins, and mold that our immune system must contend with, many often lying dormant, but “awakened” by COVID.  

Adding to the complexity, everyone’s pathogen load is different. The combination of viruses and pathogens your immune system is already dealing with—combined with COVID—make your symptoms and recovery entirely unique. Using therapeutic grade magnets, Biomagnetic Therapy can address these interconnected pathogens, bringing relief through balancing pH levels in the body. 

Why magnets? 

The human body has electromagnetic charges, vital for processes like communication between cells, muscle contractions, brain activity, and maintaining overall homeostasis. Nerves transmit signals using electric impulses. The heart generates electrical signals to regulate its rhythm, which can be detected using an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) to measure the heart's electrical activity. The body produces electromagnetic fields, generated by electrical activity of the heart, brain, and muscles. Technologies like MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) use the body’s magnetic properties to create images of tissues.

Placing magnets on specific points of the body influences its electromagnetic fields, promoting balance and supporting natural healing processes. Biomagnetic Therapy helps create an environment where pathogens can no longer thrive, thereby boosting the immune system and encouraging the body’s natural ability to restore itself.

Add the Emotional Impact of Long COVID

Negative emotions, whether from current stress or unresolved past experiences, can disrupt the body’s natural balance, weakening the immune system and increasing inflammation. When these emotions are held in the body, they can exacerbate any illness by creating an environment where physical and emotional health are more difficult to restore. We have been seeing this even more so with Long COVID.

The connection between emotions and physical health is particularly evident in the gastrointestinal tract, often referred to as the "second brain." This intricate system is highly sensitive to emotional states, with signals flowing both ways. A troubled gut can influence the brain, just as stress, anxiety, or depression can disrupt the gut. 

Traumatic experiences also leave imprints on the nervous system, often stored in our tissues, contributing to a cycle of physical and emotional distress. Biomagnetic Therapy helps break this cycle by using magnets to restore the body’s balance at the cellular level. This realignment not only assists in physical healing but also allows the subconscious mind to bring stored memories to the surface, supporting emotional release and recovery.

For many, the approach of addressing both the physical and emotional components has been life-changing in restoring energy, mental clarity, and overall well-being when it comes to Long COVID.

Client Success Stories

One client who had COVID three times along with multiple vaccinations found himself in an endless cycle of brain fog, fatigue, and despair. He tried various treatments but felt worse each time. Since beginning Biomagnetic Therapy, he has experienced a remarkable turnaround—brain fog and headaches have lifted, his energy has returned, and even his spirits have improved. For now, he’s choosing to rely on Biomagnetic Therapy, thrilled with the progress he’s made.

Another client experienced extreme emotional distress when she contracted COVID, suffering a severe panic attack on day four of getting sick, nearly sending her to the ER. She came to the NH Health & Wellness Center feeling overwhelmed and emotionally drained, experiencing brain inflammation and severe fatigue. After a Biomagnetic Therapy session, she felt stable and emotionally grounded for the first time since contracting COVID. By the next day, she texted that she was feeling like herself again.

If you or someone you know has been struggling with challenging, varying, and potentially unique symptoms associated with Long COVID, consider Biomagnetic Therapy to get to the root cause.

For questions, or to schedule a Biomagnetic Therapy appointment, please call (603) 402-9134 or email us at

Karen Cerato, OT, RMT, BMP, and Juliann McCaffrey, RM, BMP, are among some of the most highly trained and advanced biomagnetic practitioners in the U.S. They have been successfully addressing many symptoms for clients with multiple wide-ranging biomagnetic protocols, including Lyme Magnetic Protocol (LMP), Biomagnetic Post-COVID Protocol, Biomagnetic Pair Therapy by Dr. Luis Garcia, and Emotion Protocol by Janelle Elyse of INDRA. They work with clients of all ages, both in-person and remotely all around the country. To inquire about Biomagnetic Therapy or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Center at 603-402-9134 or email

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