Biomagnetic Therapy for Recurring Strep: A Family's Story

January 22, 2025

According to the CDC, infections caused by Streptococcus bacteria (strep) has reached a 20-year high with healthcare providers seeing over 616 million new cases globally each year. Most of us are familiar with strep throat, often involving a sore throat, fever, and a trip to the doctor for antibiotics. 

However, strep infections don’t always end there. Even after finishing a course of antibiotics, lingering bacteria can often unknowingly persist in the body, leading to symptoms that aren’t commonly associated with strep.

This is where Biomagnetic Therapy comes in – a holistic modality that uses therapeutic-grade magnets to target hidden infections and chronic inflammation. In our practice, we’ve seen how Biomagnetic Therapy can transform lives by addressing lingering effects of strep and other infections.

Client Success Story

One of my clients, Lisa, came to me after struggling with chronic fatigue, recurring strep infections, and a variety of other symptoms. Her story—and that of her 9-year-old daughter—highlights the potential of Biomagnetic Therapy to address lingering health challenges and bring balance back to the body.

A Mother's Journey to Wellness 

“When I reached out to schedule an appointment with Karen Cerato in May 2024, I was desperate to feel better. I felt depleted. I could push through my day, but I knew how I was feeling wasn’t right. I had been to my regular doctor and reported feeling exhausted, achy, dizzy, numbness in my scalp, hearing loss, hair thinning, and so many recurring strep infections. The doctor ran routine bloodwork and reported it to all be normal. He chalked up how I was feeling to lack of sleep and the stress of raising three young children. I didn’t believe that any of my symptoms were “normal.”

My immune system seemed unable to fight off “run of the mill” illnesses. My kids were bringing home so many germs; I felt like I was constantly getting knocked down. The previous November, a strep infection landed me in the ICU for 4 days with an abscess and infection in my airway. It was scary, my airway being at risk of swelling shut. Luckily, steroids and IV antibiotics did prevent intubation. Finally home and taking oral antibiotics, I immediately contracted COVID. I felt even less like myself for the remainder of the winter.

I decided to try biomagnetism thinking that my fatigue could be caused by a tickborne illness resurfacing from my past. At my first visit with Karen, I had yet another strep infection and was on antibiotics again. Following that session and each session afterward, I have experienced immense healing. It took time, but each time I received biomagnetism, I had less and less adverse reactions afterward. I was getting better. 

We worked through infection, layer by layer. I felt the fog lifting and more energy returning to me. I was motivated and happier. I feel now as though I am thriving instead of barely surviving. I do not have a sore throat anymore! My aches and pains are no longer full system inflammatory reactions. I no longer experience numbness or hearing loss. My hair is growing back. I do not catch every virus that my children bring home. When I do catch something, it has been less severe and the duration seems shorter. I no longer feel defeated at the start of my day, and I feel motivated to take on and achieve things I may have been avoiding or putting off.”

Biomagnetic Therapy gets to the root of strep

Biomagnetic Therapy works by addressing the root cause of persistent symptoms. Through the strategic placement of magnets on the body, it works to restore balance to the body’s electromagnetic field by normalizing the pH levels in specific organs and systems. This balanced environment disrupts the conditions that allow pathogens to thrive, prompting the body to release them from hidden areas where they might otherwise evade detection and continue to multiply. As a result, symptoms associated with a wide range of conditions often improve.

In sessions with Lisa, in addition to strep, we were also able to identify and place magnets for imbalances associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), underlying Lyme and co-infections, fungus and candida, some gut pathogens, and nervous system dysregulation. 

When strep causes behavioral and psychology issues

Lisa’s experience with Biomagnetic Therapy was so powerful that she brought her 9 year old daughter for a session:

“My daughter suffered terribly from repeat strep infections over the past year. The pediatrician was not concerned as an uptick in strep that season had been noted. She was treated for strep with antibiotics five times last year. 

I was very concerned with changes in my daughter’s behavior. She was having trouble managing frustration and had become emotionally dysregulated. She was having large melt downs that seemed inappropriate for her age and disproportionate to the size of the problem. She was not sleeping well at night and was experiencing very big fears. Our nights included being up three to four times a night and staying up for hours at a time. She was unable to calm herself and would cry because she couldn’t get back to sleep. She always woke us up to seek comfort and to help her calm back down. 

Since completing the biomagnetism protocol, she sleeps 10 hours every night! Her melt downs have decreased and her changes in mood seem to match the scenario appropriately. She has allowed herself to take age appropriate risks physically and in social settings. She has mastered the monkey bars and agreed to take a ski lesson with a new instructor and within one hour was able to parallel ski! She had ended last ski season frustrated and not interested. She is overall willing to try new things, is open to instructions, does not shut down, and appears much less anxious in general. Her smile is so big! 

Several people close to us have commented that my daughter seems different, or that she’s in a really good place. She is really in such a good place! I am so grateful for Biomagnetic Therapy and for Karen’s caring nature. My daughter commented after a session that, “When I’m around Karen…I don’t know why, but she makes me want to smile. My response was, ‘Me too, honey, me too!’ We’re all smiling more these days!”

Lisa’s daughter had imbalances in the body associated with strep, EBV, vector-borne infections, RSV, hormonal imbalance, and nervous system dysregulation. Additionally, her body was asking for a protocol to address PANDAS. Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcus (PANDAS) involves changes in personality, behavior, and movement in children following a strep infection. It often presents with a combination of psychological symptoms, including OCD, anxiety, fear, irritability, and/or mood changes – as well as physical symptoms, including inability to focus, trouble sleeping, or refusing to eat, and more. 

Strep is highly contagious and affects people of all ages, even though it’s most commonly associated with children. In this case, it’s likely that Lisa and her daughter struggled to fully recover because they were unknowingly passing the infection back and forth. I am grateful that Lisa trusted in me and the process of Biomagnetic Therapy, and thankful that both her and her daughter are feeling much better.

Is strep keeping you from feeling well?

Are lingering symptoms holding you back from fully recovering after strep? Biomagnetic Therapy offers a proven, science-backed approach to target hidden infections and chronic inflammation, helping you regain your health and vitality. To learn more or schedule an appointment, call (603) 402-9134 or email

Karen Cerato, OT, RMT, BMP is one of the most highly trained and advanced biomagnetic practitioners in the U.S. She has been successfully addressing many symptoms for clients with three wide-ranging biomagnetic protocols, including Lyme Magnetic Protocol (LMP), Biomagnetic Pair Therapy by Dr. Luis Garcia, and Emotion Protocol by Janelle Elyse of INDRA. Karen works with clients of all ages, both in-person and remotely all around the country. To inquire about Biomagnetic Therapy or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Center at 603-402-9134 or email

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